For Prayers & Encouragement: 973 342 8613
Thursdays: 7 PM; Sundays: 9 AM:

About F.I.C.

Our Vision

God's Vision for F.I.C.

Our Vision is to present the gospel of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to the people with the aim of bringing the unsaved to the saving knowledge of Christ, and equip them to attain their divine potentials and purposes in life.

Man without God is non-entity. 

Jesus Christ is our Lord and savior, and to inherit eternal life, you must develop a personal relationship with Christ. He is the answer to the deplorable condition and challenges confronting mankind today.  

God is faithful!

Join our Fellowship

Connecting People to Jesus and One Other

Thursday: Bible Study/Digging Deep

7pm – 8pm

Sunday Service

Intercessory Prayers: 8am – 9am

Search the Scripture/Sunday School: 9am – 9:40am
Worship Service: 10am – 12noon

Friday: Breakthrough Night Vigil

11pm – 12midnight
Via Teleconference: 973 314 1158

Our Values

F.I.C. Values & Guidelines

Supremacy of God: We thirst for His presence and to know more of Him through private and public worship, the Word and prayer Psalm 42:1-2, 63:1-3; Matt 5:23; Luke 6:21
Holiness and Integrity: We strive for godly life style and holiness without which no one can see the Lord.
We value obedience to the word of God: We put obedience to the word of God first in all things. Isaiah 1:18-19
We value Unity and oneness of purpose: We love unity in the body of Christ. We are committed to maintaining unity among believers. Psalm 133:1; Romans 12:5; Ephesians 4:3-6,13
We value Dedication and Commitment: Dedication to service of the kingdom.
We value Creativity and Innovation: This is the wisdom of God through Christ to create and carry out innovations in our service to God.
We value mutual respect for one another: 1Peter 2:7
We value excellence in service: Psalms 19:3
We value Faithfulness: We value teamwork with corporate accomplishment: We believe iron shapeneth iron. We move faster and achieve greater when we work together as a team. Eccl. 4:9, Mat. 18:19
We Value Modesty: We Value Modesty in all our conducts. Galatians 5:26; Philippians 2:3; 1 Timothy 4:14; 1 Peter 3:3-4; 1 John 2:15-17
We value Diversity: We believe church should consist of people of different colors and background worshipping together with unity and love. Heb.13:2
We value Prayer: Prayer makes the power of God available in everything we do. We believe many other things can be done after prayer but nothing should be done without prayer. James 5:16
We value the Church of God as the Body of Christ. Our desire shall be to seek its good, growth and prosperity. Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 3:9-11; 5:25-27; 1 Timothy 3:5
We value the community: We value our community and by so doing we are dedicated to community development. We look for people’s needs in our community and fill it. Our church looks for ways of giving back to our community through different community-oriented initiatives.

Church History

Faith Impact Chapel is one of the parishes of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. The church came into existence on Sunday May 8, 2011 when Pastor Samson Adelufosi with three other workers met for the first time at Bloomfield Columbia Club 150 State Street Bloomfield New Jersey.

​The Church started officially on Sunday May 22, 2011. As the church began to thrive, it became necessary to rent a bigger facility with extra rooms in order to accommodate the growth of the church. On Sunday June 19, 2011 we moved to 41 Broughton Avenue Bloomfield NJ; which comprise of a main auditorium with a mini children church and a storage room.

In the fullness of time, on Saturday July 30, 2011 the church RCCG, Faith Impact Chapel was finally inaugurated. We have trained workers and developed leaders in our various departments like Choir; Hospitality; Media; Technical; Prayer; Evangelism; Accounting & Admin; Ushering; Community relation and others.

We have been able to contribute to the community development in our area of location; impacting lives and providing for the need of the less privilege people.

In November 2011 we were led by the Holy Spirit to start an annual program named “The Power conference” and theme of the first edition of the program was “Possessing the land”. As a result of this program the Lord increase His church and we are still growing.

Pastor Samson’s vision to touch lives and develop the community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ increased over time, and this has helped more souls to be converted to the kingdom.