“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth” 1Tim.2:15
At Faith Impact Chapel our workers are trained leaders and well certified by the ministry. Our Training and Development ministry is a program in which specific knowledge and abilities are imparted into workers and ministers in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Faith Impact Chapel. The Training and Development program was designed to equip leaders at Faith Impact Chapel with practical knowledge and adequate information needed to accomplish their God-given purposes in life. Furthermore, Leadership Institute/Believers Academy will also familiarize the participants with the vision and mission statement of the Church worldwide
“Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.” 2Corinthian 5:17
The main objective of this training program is to draw people to God and equip them for excellence and realization of purpose. To this end, we start with the believers class where practical Biblical teachings prepared by General Overseer Pastor E.A. Adeboye are taught, preparing the student for a new life in Christ. Moreover, any participants that successful completed this course will finalize the program with baptism by water immersion.
We also have the workers in training class for those willing to take leadership position in the Church. Workers in the Redeemed Christian Church of God is any child of God who on the recommendation of the Lead Pastor has been set aside for special service in the house of God. The would-be workers are taking through topics such as roles of a worker, criteria to becoming a worker, your call, holiness, tithing etc. The participants will graduate to become a worker after his/her training and an official certificate of completion will be presented as a prove of completion.
The Bible College and the School of Disciple are two major schools that lightened the faith and believe of the students. These schools basically are pathways to ordination after graduation. However, this is not compulsory.
Furthermore, we have leadership training and ministers conferences where we constantly equip all our leaders to development their leadership potentials and become better leaders in all areas of life in order to bring glory the Kingdom of God.